The Children's Art School / Events / Sat 14 Nov to Sat 05 Dec 2020 (3 weeks)
Saturday art school ONLINE

Join our birlliant Saturday Art School while we go online during the latest lockdown.
Fun and informal sessions to keep your kids creative and connected!
Intermediates (7-11yrs) 10-11am
Juniors (5-7yrs) 11.15am- 12.15pm
Just £32 for 4 weeks.
If you are local you can collect our bespoke resource packs from Holmfirth Tech or we can provide a list- most things are easily found in your art cupboard at home!
Calder Art Supplies offer Childern'sArt school material packs and you can click and collect or have them delivered.
For more information visit http://www.thechildrensartschool.co.uk/
Event Location
via Zoom
Telephone: 07806 334 728
Email: thechildrensartschool@gmail.com
Website: http://www.thechildrensartschool.co.uk/