The Barefoot Players / Events / Fri 20 Dec 2013
Auditions for John Ford's "Tis Pity She's A Whore"

We will be holding an open audition for our next production, John Ford's tragedy "Tis Pity She's A Whore". To be performed on the 14th, 15th, and 16th February 2014, at the Nightingale Theatre in Brighton.
Auditions for the production will be taking place on Friday 20th December, at St Richard's Hall, Sydney Road, Haywards Heath. The auditions will take place from 7pm to 10pm, if you need advice on how to get there then please feel free to ask, and we can supply directions.
"'Tis Pity She's A Whore" is a play of love and retribution, with moments of gripping passion and heart-wrenching tragedy. The production is set in 1625, and will involve early modern costume. It's sure to be a exciting project to work on, I can't wait to get started! and I hope lots of you will like to be involved.
If you would like a list of the characters in the play to give you an idea of the play if you are unfamiliar or information about the play, please email info@barefootplayers.co.uk
If you are unable to make this date and time then please let me know and we can arrange a separate time in which you can audition. Also if you know of anyone who would be interested in taking part please pass on the above information, new faces are always welcome!
If you would like to be involved backstage in this production, please do let me know!
I look forward to hopefully seeing you at the auditions.
The Barefoot Players
For more information visit http://www.barefootplayers.co.uk/
Event Location
St Richard's Hall
Sydney Road,
Haywards Heath,
West Sussex,
RH16 1QE
RH16 1QE
Telephone: 07716 120 054
Email: info@barefootplayers.co.uk
Website: http://www.barefootplayers.co.uk/