The Arts at Dartington / Events / Fri 24 Sep 2010
Nigel Morgan: Sense of Place

Friday 24 September
5:30pm High Cross House
Surrounded by the intricate textiles of Jilly Edwards, Nigel Morgan plays music for solo
guitar in the lounge of William Lescaze’s High Cross House.
This performance brings textile art and sound together in the tailormade environs of Dartington’s modernist architectural gem, High Cross House. The recital includes the world premiere of the full concert version of Sense of Place (commissioned especially for the exhibition) as well as music by Hindemith and Bach.
Nigel has created a special webpage on his site about the exhibition and features a mini essay on his new work Sense of Place. A full study score and mp3 extracts of Sense of Place are also available on his website.
For more information visit