The Art of Wellbeing / News / Thu 03 Dec 2015
I need a partner’ requests from the Art of Wellbeing Conference

I am: Visual Artist / photography
My project/activity is: Fine art based work communicating mental health issues / thoughts / feelings
I would like to work with:
It will be in (location, area or setting):
From a partner, I am looking for: Exhibition space – particularly connected with year of mental health
You can contact me on: www.kirstywagstaffe.co.uk kirtstyjw.arts@gmail.com
I am: Miranda Quinney
My project/activity is: “Sharing stories for wellbeing” – train, the trainer programme
I would like to work with: Organisations offering therapeutic training for carers / assistants / nurses in dementia, mental health, elderly --- of life
It will be in (location, area or setting): Hertfordshire
From a partner, I am looking for: Enthusiasm! – A collaboration to share the benefits of biographical storytelling
You can contact me on: 07729 064483 Mirandaquinney@yahoo.co.uk www.sharingstoriesforwellbeing.co.uk
I am: Flea Cooke
My project/activity is: Textile art, craft workshops, collaborative quilts with communities (young + old)
I would like to work with: Young + old
It will be in (location, area or setting): St Albans + 10 mile radius (open to opportunities)
From a partner, I am looking for: A client group on commissioning age--
You can contact me on: Facebook fleacooke@gmail.com 07988 236797
I am: Carrie Washington, Herts Dance Consultant
My project/activity is: Community dance and technology project in museums
I would like to work with: Different community groups – all ages
It will be in (location, area or setting): Royston, Watford + Stevenage initially
From a partner, I am looking for: Targetting community participants to take part in events
You can contact me on: carrie.washington@hertsmusicservice.org.uk
I am: Mel Hilbrown, Herts Visual Arts representing 400 artists across Herts
My project/activity is: Promoting Herts Open Studios
I would like to work with: Anybody to encourage visits
It will be in (location, area or setting): Across Hertfordshire September 2016
From a partner, I am looking for: Ability to promote visiting local artists
You can contact me on: 07711160073 (preferably text as often in meetings)
I am: Gemma Wright, Artistic Director, The Dance Network Association
My project/activity is: Older people’s dance and movements sessions to reduce isolation
I would like to work with: Sheltered housing schemes dance specialists, researchers, NHS referrals, older people who want to dance
It will be in (location, area or setting): St Albans, Three Rivers + Broxbourne in sheltered housing schemes
From a partner, I am looking for: Space, partnership funding, people to take part.
You can contact me on: gemma.wrightdna@gmail.com
I am: Sharon Cohen, Artist, Artsantosha
My project/activity is: Private Art classes (http://www.artsantosha.com/) for all ages – drawing, painting & mixed media
I would like to work with: An arts centre or community organisation
It will be in (location, area or setting): Fairly local to Shenley, Hertfordshire
From a partner, I am looking for: Support & organised creative activities – to help run art classes & workshops
You can contact me on: info@artsantosha.com 07956671113, Thankyou
I am: An HCPC registered drama therapist (BADth member + CRB checked)
My project/activity is: Dramatherapy, working with:- behavioural issues, mental health, attachment & separation issues.
I would like to work with: Primary schools
It will be in (location, area or setting): Watford
From a partner, I am looking for : ½ day or full day in a school offering 1-1 or group sessions
You can contact me on: Nicola.dramatherapy@hotmail.co.uk
I am: Visual art teacher – photography, painting, drawing, sculpture. DBS checked
My project/activity is: Looking for work. Workshops / outreach etc.
I would like to work with: Small groups, schools, adults
It will be in (location, area or setting):
From a partner, I am looking for: Workshops / teaching etc.
You can contact me on: Kirstyjw.arts@gmail.com
I am: Emily – Rae Maxwell, Corporate Graduate, Dacorum Borough council
My project/activity is: An opportunity for a social prescribing / art on prescription project
I would like to work with: Local health and art providers interested in improving outcomes for decorum residents
It will be in (location, area or setting): Dacorum
From a partner, I am looking for : Them to participate in exploring how best to target this project.
You can contact me on: Emily-rae.maxwell@dacorum.gov.uk
I am: Judi Sissons, The Writing Space, www.thewritingspace.co.uk
My project/activity is: Creative writing for health + wellbeing facilitating groups, courses + workshops + one-to-one sessions
I would like to work with: Writing for dementia – involving, families members + carers. Writing for chronic fatigue. Writing for loss + bereavement – all ages
It will be in (location, area or setting): Hertfordshire – any area
From a partner, I am looking for: Funding. Help to set up project. Proposal writing. Evaluation methods
You can contact me on: judi@thewritingspace.co.uk 07976-374206
I am: Clare Armstrong, Youth Involvement Worker
My project/activity is: Youth group – getting members actively involved in the community + charities
I would like to work with: Organisations / individuals who can volunteer 1/2hours of their time to show our youth group new mediums / activities. We use taster sessions for self-discovery + to build confidence.
It will be in (location, area or setting): We display work + would advertise your involvement + your message
From a partner, I am looking for: Based in Hemel Hempstead. Looking for time + ideas
You can contact me on…. Clare.armstrong@dacorum.gov.uk 01442 228168
I am: Sarah Lettis
My project/activity is: Working in a primary school (Southfield, Hatfield) with children with autism, learning difficulties and behaviour problems
I would like to work with: Music, dance and drama therapists and workshops
It will be in (location, area or setting): The school setting in school hours
From a partner, I am looking for: To help our children express their feelings + worries in a positive way
You can contact me on: 01707 276504 or 07759 276568
I am: Lewis Wilkins, The Drum and Bass Experience (Event Promoter)
My project/activity is: A Drum and Bass experience like no other! Aiming to stamp out the segregation between the different styles of DnB and develop the experience within Hertfordshire where DnB has laid dormant for too long!
I would like to work with: Venue managers, like-minded promoters, passionate people. Anyone
It will be in (location, area or setting): Various music venues across Hertfordshire
From a partner, I am looking for: Knowledge of DnB or setting up music events. Links to funding. Confidence
You can contact me on: 07702177278 dnbexp@outlook.com
I am: Caro Hart
My project/activity is: Co-chair Am Dram Group. But the day job is: Helping charities and community groups to thrive and prosper
I would like to work with: All arts groups, especially theatre / drama
It will be in (location, area or setting): Hertfordshire wide + Buckinghamshire wide
From a partner, I am looking for: An interesting project or short piece of work eg. Community involvement, volunteer recruitment, becoming a charity
You can contact me on: Franklin Hart Consultancy CIC
Caro.hart@franklin-hart.co.uk www.franklin-hart.co.uk
I am: Maxine King, Producer, King Street Images – film & video production company
My project/activity is: To produce, create film & video content / projects working in partnerships, linking culture and wellbeing
I would like to work with: Local authorities, charities, organisations
It will be in (location, area or setting): Culture / heritage / arts & wellbeing in Hertfordshire
From a partner, I am looking for Innovative projects, or project ideas for funding
You can contact me on…. 07939 000725 01920 413048 maxine@kingstreetimages.com
I am: Nicola Williams, Drama therapist and producer of ‘May Contain Nuts’ theatre company
My project/activity is: About developing a theatre piece on ‘self harm’ to take into + workshop secondary schools
I would like to work with: Someone who has knowledge of schools & going into schools with a theatre piece & workshop
It will be in (location, area or setting): Watford and hopefully the surrounding areas
From a partner, I am looking for: Someone with a sound knowledge of a school / education setting, who can offer guidance, knowledge and can be part of our project
You can contact me on: Nicola_dramatherapy@hotmail.co.uk
I am: Julie Ann (Wrathall)
My project/activity is: I paint with hot beeswax (encaustic). Very therapeutic. Looking to share this beautiful, little known medium with as many people as possible
I would like to work with: Teenagers to elderly
It will be in (location, area or setting): Dacorum, but can travel
From a partner, I am looking for: I run workshops in techniques, could teach you to run beginners workshops & supply you with equipment & set up.
You can contact me on: 07976 700737 www.julieannsgallery.co.uk Julie@julieannsgallery.co.uk