The Art of Wellbeing / Opportunities / Mon 28 Sep 2015
Call for Hertfordshire arts and health projects to be showcased

Creative Hertfordshire is collecting exemplar project snapshots to demonstrate the good practice taking place across the county and show how arts and culture can have a positive impact on people’s wellbeing and that of the communities they live in.
‘The Art of Wellbeing’, Creative Hertfordshire’s first Culture and Wellbeing Conference, will take place on Thursday 15th October 2015 at the Fielder Centre in Hatfield. The conference will:
• Present examples of national and local research, and their associated findings, on how cultural activities can benefit the wellbeing sector.
• Highlight work currently taking place in Hertfordshire
• Begin to look at how the wellbeing and cultural sectors can work together locally in the future.
The audience of up to 200 delegates will be drawn from across Hertfordshire’s Public Health, GPs, social care providers, private sector, commissioners of services, housing providers, local authorities, education, artistic practitioners and cultural sector.
To complement the conference and Hertfordshire’s Year of Mental Health 2015-16 (www.hertsdirect.org/your-council/hcc/partnerwork/hwb/hertsyearofmentalhealth/), Creative Hertfordshire is collecting exemplar project snapshots to demonstrate the good practice taking place across the county and show how arts and culture can have a positive impact on people’s wellbeing and that of the communities they live in. The selected examples will be promoted on www.creativehertfordshire.com to arts practitioners, community groups and health organisations around the county and beyond.
If you are an individual, organisation or group with a story of good practice that you want to share, please complete questions 2 – 6 below within the stated word limits.
We’d also like you to provide one photo which we have your agreement to share on www.creativehertfordshire.com and in related documents.
Once you’ve completed the questions and selected the photograph, please email them to Nick Denham (nick.denham@hertfordshire.gov.uk) by 28th September 2015.
1. Project title.
2. Where and when the project happened in Hertfordshire
3. Describe your project briefly (up to 50 words)
4. What were the aims of your project? (up to 50 words)
5. What happened as a result of your project? (up to 100 words)
6. What evidence did you produce to show your project’s impact? (up to 100 words)
7. What 2 tips would you offer to someone else running a similar project? (10 words per tip)
8. Your contact details to help people find more information:
- Contact name and email and/or phone number
- Website address