Project title: Artsy Crafty
Where and when the project happened in Hertfordshire
I started running my own business in September 2014 after having spent my former years in care work and education. I run art & craft sessions in care homes in Hertfordshire and teach in approx 20 homes.
Describe your project briefly.
I have found that there is a lack of provision in Hertfordshire for people with dementia, mental health problems and learning disabilities. With this in mind I approached several care homes and teach arts & crafts in their premises either on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis.
What were the aims of your project?
My aims for the project were to offer a service to people within the care sectors to enable them to participate in art activities which they could not access in the community. Many of my clients have mental health problems and challenging behaviour and are not in ‘Day Services’.
What happened as a result of your project?
As a result of my work many people have developed new skills and confidence that they are still valuable people. Many care workers have noticed a difference in their clients’ behaviour as they often did not think that the clients would participate and were surprised at what they have created. This has also benefited the care workers as they learn new skills to work with the clients. The service that I offers promotes choice and confidence building techniques. Through working with the clients I have found that my service is now in demand and has become very popular.
What evidence did you produce to show your project’s impact?
I have gained my evidence by just being with clients and watching them interact with each other and having a smile on their faces. I also ask for testimonials; this is one that I received recently:
“Carolyn has been visiting our Residential Service now for quite some time. Our house mates, all who have autism or a learning disability, simply love the time spent with Carolyn and her arty 'bits and bobs.' She is always patient, kind and extremely helpful and of course great and what she does. Thank you Carolyn x” (David Roberts, Training and Development Manager, Exclusive Care Ltd)
What 2 tips would you offer to someone else running a similar project?
1) Involve the care workers as they are a valuable asset.
2) Treat everybody as an individual.
Contact details for more information:
Artsy Crafts - Carolyn Powell. 0777 9414847; carolyn@artsycrafts.co.uk
If you have an Arts and Health project that you would like to share through Creative Hertfordshire, please go to http://www.creativehertfordshire.com/the-art-of-wellbeing/call-for-hertfordshire-arts-and-health-projects-to-showcase/
For more information visit http://www.artsycrafts.co.uk/
News Location
Telephone: 07779 414 847
Email: carolyn@artsycrafts.co.uk
Website: http://www.artsycrafts.co.uk/