Temporary Contemporary / Events / Wed 13 Mar to Sat 06 Apr 2019 (4 weeks)
Temporary Tactical Urbanism & What's This Dull Town to Me?

Two exhibitions run alongside each other in the Temporary Contemporary gallery from 13 March to 6 April, open Monday to Saturday, 11am - 4pm:
Temporary Tactical Urbanism by Ioanni Delsante and Yreyiln Cartagena Delgado
A project investigating the use/re-use of public spaces for creative interventions by people
What's This Dull Town to Me? by Katrina Whitehead and Andrew Taylor
A project exploring the local histories of Huddersfield using new technologies.
Come to the exhibition preview on Wednesday 13 March, 5-7.30pm - all welcome.
For more information visit https://research.hud.ac.uk/art-design/temporarycontemporary
Event Location
Queensgate Market
Princess Street
Website: https://research.hud.ac.uk/art-design/temporarycontemporary