Temporary Contemporary / Events / Wed 13 Mar 2019
Temporary Contemporary Happening 13 March

Hot on the heals of the last successful Happening event, we hope you can Join us for the next of our monthly 'Temporary Contemporary Happenings' on Wednesday 13 March, 5 - 7.30pm, in Queensgate Market.
Come and meet other artists, creative and those involved in the Temporary Contemporary initiative and be the first to see the latest exhibition in the Market Gallery space. The event has been kindly sponsored by local brewery Magic Rock Brewing.
All welcome - open 5 - 7.30pm - Entrance via Princess Street or Peel Street.
The next Temporary Contemporary Happening includes:
Market Gallery
Ioanni Delsante and Yreyiln Cartagena Delgado, Temporary Tactical Urbanism - a project investigating the use/re-use of public spaces for creative interventions by people.
Katrina Whitehead and Andrew Taylor, What's This Dull Town to Me? - a project exploring the local histories of Huddersfield using new technologies.
Market Hardware
A showcase of work by BA 2 Architecture students from the Department of Architecture and the Built Environment.
Market Showcase
Empty Shop Project 4.0 - a postgraduate student project exploring the use of augmented reality and retail.
Histories and Memories of Huddersfield Market - a postgraduate student project exploring cultural experiences of the market through live action research with visitors.
Audience engagement with Arts Council Collection - a postgraduate student project working on the new Yinke Shonibare exhibition 'Criminal Ornamentation' at Longside, Yorkshire Sculpture Park.
Hoot Installation - installation by participants at Hoot Creative Arts looking at the use an re-use of plastic and the impact on the marine environment.
Alex Bridger and Tim Gomersall, Out and About in Kirklees - a project involving local lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people, artists, and researchers from the University of Huddersfield. The project used an approach called psychogeography to explore Kirklees from the perspective of local LGBT people, and to understand LGBT history in the local context.
Cosms an installation by Anton Harding
Event Location
Market Gallery
Queensgate Market
Princess Street