Temporary Contemporary / Events / Thu 11 to Sat 27 Oct 2018 (2 weeks)
Showgirl Manifesto Exhibition - The Market Gallery

Showgirl Manifesto is an exhibition inspired by the new publication: Viewing Pleasure and Being a Showgirl, How do I Look? by Alison J Carr, featuring new work by Carr and works by artists invited to respond to her book.
The exhibition is being held in The Market Gallery in Queensgate Market, Huddersfield.
The preview takes place on Thursday 11 October 5.30 - 8.00 pm - everyone welcome (the preview forms part of the Temporary Contemporary Happenings event). The exhibition can then be viewed until Saturday 27 October (Monday-Saturday 11am-4pm).
A short tour of the exhibition Showgirl Manifesto with the artist Allie J Carr take place on Saturday 13 October, 2pm. Booking required. Please email a.carr@hud.ac.uk