Temporary Contemporary / Events / Sat 09 Nov 2019
Repair Cafe in Queensgate Market

The second Huddersfield Repair Café takes place in Queensgate Market on Saturday 9 November, 11:00 until 15:00 in the vacant stalls near the Temporary Contemporary Gallery.
The aim of the café is to reduce the amount of items thrown away by matching volunteer fixers with your broken items. The Repair Café don’t fix anything which could be repaired by stalls in the market (phones/jewellery/clothing repairs etc) but if you’re not sure about an item then feel free to contact Richard at the email below.
If you have any questions, or if you want to get involved and lend your fixing skills then please get in touch by messaging on Facebook or email Huddersfieldrepaircafe@gmail.com
Temporary Contemporary is pleased to support the Repair Café as part of our approach to place-based-making, public engagement and cultural and mixed ecologies.
For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/Repaircafequeensgate
Event Location
Queensgate Market
Email: huddersfieldrepaircafe@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/Repaircafequeensgate