Temporary Contemporary / Events / Tue 15 Oct to Mon 11 Nov 2019 (4 weeks)
Market Showcase: Artists in vacant stalls in Queengate Market

Four artists are showcasing their work in empty stalls in Queensgate Market during October and November - situated at the end of the market near the Temporary Contemporary Gallery.
Kath Wright:
Kath has created Colouricity® (like electricity but using colour), a brand which includes wall art, products and workshop experiences that harness the power of colour to aid self-care, inspire creativity, calm or increase energy, help manage emotions and improve mood, shape our environment and improve general wellbeing.
www.colouricity.co.uk #colouricity instagram @colouricity
Henry Morris:
Henry has a range of felted products on show and felted seamless garment, as well as wall hangings he has on show patchwork felted wall hanging and hats Henry website is Henry. Henrymorrisart.co.uk other social media sites is collabarty.co. uk
Jo Wilkinson
Jo's exhibition is themed around 'Gift' - Brown paper packages tied up with string.........Gift invokes our deeper conscience, asking us to consider what is given, what is taken, how we project ourselves through what we give and how we reflect upon ourselves by what is received. Using the gift bag as an extension of the act of giving, using the paper packages as idea of expectancy this exhibition will display. useful/not useful objects to question the worth/value we impose in the process.
Helen Cummings
Helen is a printmaker and textile artist producing work developed from the clown figure. The character allows Helen to explore mark making from which she develops a series of ideas leading into printmaking and the production of abstract pieces.
Event Location
Queensaget Market