Temporary Contemporary / Events / Sat 14 Mar 2020
Huddersfield Repair cafe - Sat 14 March

The Huddersfield Repair Café returns on Saturday 14 March, 11am - 3pm in Queensgate Market (Demo Zone). The Repair Café takes place on the second Saturday of the month and their fixers have their, screwdrivers at the ready!
The Repair Café aims to reduce the amount of items thrown away by matching volunteer fixers with your broken items, but don’t fix anything which could be repaired by stalls in the market (phones/ watch straps/ shoes/ clothing repairs etc). If you have garden tools that need sharpening bring them along and get ready for spring.
On this Saturday there will also be an opportunity to make fabric flower brooches for Mother’s Day from scrap fabric, turn old t-shirts into reusable shopping bags and old jumpers into cosy cushion covers. No need to book or pay, just drop in and get upcycling !
If you have any questions, or if you want to get involved and lend your fixing skills then get in touch by messaging on Facebook or email Huddersfieldrepaircafe@gmail.com
For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/HuddsRepairCafe/