Teignmouth Arts Action Group Teignmouth Arts Action Group (TAG)
T.A.A.G. has been formed to improve communication between artists and art organisations so that the arts in the Teignmouth area can be properly represented and form a stronger body for consultation and furthering the Arts in the area against ever diminishing external support.
The Visual and Performance Arts in Teignmouth are at an exciting stage at the moment with plans for a Multi Purpose Art Centre already under discussion.
TAAG now operates from a regenerated building in the town as an Arts and Community centre for all to use and feature regular exhibitions0 and promotions plus workshops on a variety of subjects.
View my website http://www.teignmoutharts.org/
My Location
TAAG Arts and Community Centre
4/5 Northumberland Place
TQ14 8DD
Telephone: 01626 779 251
Email: info@teignmoutharts.org
Website: http://www.teignmoutharts.org/