Teign Artists / Events / Sat 14 May to Sun 05 Jun 2011 (3 weeks)
Six Days of Art 2011

Over two long weekends either side of the summer half term, Teign Artists are once again running their open studios trail - the Six Days of Art. This year there are 38 artists exhibiting in 15 venues from Dartmoor to Dawlish. They will be displaying their work, and in many cases demonstrating their craft - from stained glass to willow weaving. Visitors can expect to take in artists' homes, studios, galleries, sculpture trails, garden walks and other spaces, some offering lunch and light refreshments, all with a chance to talk to the artists.
In the present economic climate, buying up works of art may be the last thing on people's minds but the Six Days of Art is to be more of a friendly experience than a commercial venture - admission is free and there is no obligation to purchase; but to welcome visitors, show them around their studio and talk about their work or inspirations is a very positive and encouraging factor for the artists.
To launch this event, all the artists will be showing their best works at Rill Estate, near Buckfastleigh, one of the most picturesque exhibition spaces in the south west.
The launch will be held over the weekend of 14th/15th May and the studios will be open 28th/29th/30th May and 3rd/4th/5th June, entry to all the above is free. For more details go to www.teignartists.co.uk or pick up a brochure in your local library or Tourist Information Centre.
For more information visit http://www.teignartists.co.uk/
Event Location
Website: http://www.teignartists.co.uk/