Tango Argentino / News / Sat 11 Jun 2011
Tango Desafio at Exeter Phoenix

Tango Desafìo
With Anna & Ute
Starting Thursday 7 July 2011
at the Exeter Phoenix
A challenging class based on natural movement. It will introduce new skills and shapes in Tango. The classes are usually grouped into themes so that one aspect of tango can be thoroughly investigated and incorporated into your dance.
Day: Thursdays
Time: 8:45- 10pm Class
10 – 10:40pm Practica
Location: Exeter Phoenix, Gandy Street, Exeter EX4 3LS
Price: £5 (£3 conc) per person for class and Practica, £2 for Practica only
Some prior knowledge of Tango required
For more information please call:
01626 873178 or email: utescholl@aol.com
For more information visit http://www.learntotango.co.uk/
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Website: http://www.learntotango.co.uk/