TalkTorbay is live and kicking with all the latest news and events in Torbay. If your new to TalkTorbay then pop by and have a look around!

We are a community of bloggers, writers, reporters and enthusiasts! We write about anything and everything that is going on in Torbay including Torquay United games, Torbay gig guide, the latest film reviews, health and fitness advice, youth news and opportunities, THHN and other charities and events, the latest news from Torbay Council as well as the latest Bye the Bye messages from Nick Bye, its all going on at TalkTorbay!!!

The aim is to build up a large number of contributors to the site, a 'citizen journalism' project, news for the people, by the people!!!! Be a part of the revolution, get in touch, get involved, tell everyone in Torbay what's going on in your world!

If you would like to be a part of TalkTorbay and have your own blog/column then get in touch now!

you can also find us on facebook and twitter, just type in TalkTorbay and there we are!

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Torquay's Other History: The Salvation Army Riots / Fri 07 Jan 2011

Have you seen this column on TalkTorbay? Torquay's Other History by Kevin Dixon. Kevin has posted some fantastic stories about the history of Torquay...

Riviera.FM What's On Guide! / Fri 07 Jan 2011's what's on guide is now published on TalkTorbay every week! It's quite new but growing all the time. I you want to get your event listed j...

Dave Smith: An Artist At Work / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2011-01-07T00:00:00Z">Fri 07 Jan 2011</span>Dave Smith: An Artist At Work / Fri 07 Jan 2011

Dave Smith is a name that has become synonymous in Signwriting circles with high quality, hand crafted reverse glass signs and mirrors. It is fair to ...

My Events

Social Media Seminar for Beginners  / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2011-11-01T00:00:00Z">Tue 01 Nov 2011</span>Social Media Seminar for Beginners / Tue 01 Nov 2011

Are you struggling to get started with social media? All a bit overwhelming? Lost in a world of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Blogging and ...