Suzanne Rider / Events / Mon 14 Mar to Fri 29 Apr 2022 (2 months)
Telling Stories - Online creative writing workshops

With storytelling at the heart of our project, we are once again organising some online creative writing workshops to provide a supportive space for people to develop their original writing ideas.
Hosted by John Prebble and Alex McIntyre the two-part session, open to all Hertfordshire residents aged 16 and above, will encourage participants to tell their own story through speaking and listening, writing and visual arts activities. We will draw on the stories submitted to My Story by Hertfordshire residents for inspiration and generate ideas by considering objects found in our homes combined with visual arts exercises to help us play. All abilities are welcome.
Part 1 Thursday 21 April 7 - 9pm
Part 2 Thursday 28 April 7 - 9pm
Tickets are £15.00 (includes both sessions) but there are some funded places available. Please email mystory@hertfordshire.gov.uk for more information.
To book, please visit https://bit.ly/34UUvhP
For more information visit https://bit.ly/34UUvhP
Event Location
Website: https://bit.ly/34UUvhP