I have been leading workshops in schools and community centres since
2000. I have trained at the University of the Arts London (Camberwell,
St.Martins and Chelsea), University of Hertfordshire and Cultural Cooperation.
Workshops are insped by curriculum themes. Projects have included
techniques such as:
• Tie Dyeing
• Batik
• Collage (Mixed Media)
• Rangoli
• Henna Designs
• Printmaking
Which could incorporate history, story telling, art, language cultural identity.
Students create work inspired by the primary sources provided, including:
Antique textile pieces, artwork (my own as well as others’), sculptures, fabrics and cultural patterns. Created with mediums such as:
• Craft Dyes
• Printing Blocks
• Embellish Work (with threading, beads & sequins
I try to use local recycling stores whenever possible to source unusual materials. The workshops are adapted to suit age/ability
and timing. Workshops can vary from one day sessions to fortnightly
tel: 07799270480