I teach workshops for both primary and secondary schools:
I teach a variety of techniques for making pop-up cards or sculpture, and these can be glued together to make a sampler book. Then children can go on to make pop-ups of their own design or use templates to make existing designs. The pop-ups made can be based on a chosen theme if wanted. I only use scissors with younger children but older ones can make more complicated examples using craft knives. Materials used are paper, card, prit stick glues and PVA glue.
Books can be made in a variety of shapes and with a variety of bindings.
Some need to be stitched; some, such as concertina books, merely need glueing; some need tieing; whist others are just folded from one sheet of paper. Covers can be card, paper or even folded-paper boxes, and can be decorated in many different ways. The books can be designed for a chosen theme if wanted.
Year books can be made by those leaving primary school to include information about the student and their class/school, and also autographs from their friends and classmates.
I can teach how to make a variety of paper masks and paper mobiles. These can be based on a variety of themes, and other materials can be attached to the paper if required.
Lizanne van Essen