Suzanne Rider / Opportunities / Sun 21 Jun 2020
“I didn’t know that…!” Calling children to talk to an adult and

Hertfordshire Libraries and Nysa Projects would like to invite children and young people to take part in our #creativequarantine project, My Story Families.
While we are being asked to stay at home, it is even more important that we talk to family and friends on the phone, online or via instant message. So, we thought it would be brilliant if children and young people talk to the grown-ups in their lives and ask them about their memories and stories from when they were a child. Did they ever have school cancelled for weeks and weeks? Were they ever in lockdown? What was the funniest thing that ever happened to them?
After hearing about the memories from grown-ups, we would like children and young people to share these fantastic stories with us in a creative or imaginative way. Stories don’t only need to be words on a page! You could also do a picture, make a collage or even a video, animation, or song… anything as long as an adult can email it to us in a digital file of no more than 10MB. However you would like to tell the story, we look forward to receiving it.
Please send the stories to mystory@hertfordshire.gov.uk
Adults can of course share their own stories and we welcome these too as part of My Story 2020. Please visit the website for more information.
For more information and all the guidance you need to submit a story please visit https://www.hertsmemories.org.uk/content/category/herts-history/people/mystoryfamilies
For more information visit https://www.hertsmemories.org.uk/content/category/herts-history/people/mystoryfamilies
Opportunity Location
Website: https://www.hertsmemories.org.uk/content/category/herts-history/people/mystoryfamilies