Sussex Arts Projects Beth Martin

Sussex Arts Projects: Making it Happen!

Established by Beth Martin in October 2011, Sussex Arts Projects offers a highly effective and efficient professional arts project management service to a range of clients, both individuals and organisations, in the Sussex area.


* I am currently working at Guildhall School of Music and Drama coordinating an AHRC funded project “Finding A Voice” – exploring how adult “non-singers” can be supported and preparing a major conference for 2019.

* I continue to manage a successful run of sell-out Literary Lounges at Barnett’s Bookshop – speakers have included Sarah Moss, Kate Mosse, Charles Moore, Polly Samson, Diana Darke, Jim Powell, Francis Spufford, Vanessa Nicolson, Amanda Craig and Alan Judd – coming up Davina Langridge.

* In 2017, building on the success of the Battle Festival community opera "Push" and "In the Field", I set up and continue to coordinate “Wadhurst Aloud” a community choir for Wadhurst which has over sixty members and took part in the Community Choirs Festival in Stratford in March 2018.

* I organise regular touring theatre through Applause for Wadhurst Culture – recent productions include “Brilliance” from Farnham Maltings and coming up in October 2018 – Ceilidh Liberation Front.

* Currently jointly coordinating "Wadhurst Over the Top" - a major village commemoration of the Armistice bringing together all the key local performing groups in Wadhurst.

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Old Station Road

Telephone: 01892 783 911

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