Stevenage Symphony Orchestra / Events / Sat 02 Apr 2022
Stevenage Symphony Orchestra - Spring Concert

Welcome back to live classical music with Stevenage Symphony Orchestra with a wonderful programme including:
Beethoven - Egmont Overture
Holst - Ballet Music from "The Perfect Fool"
Holst - Two Songs without Words
Samuel Coleridge-Taylor - Ballade
£11 in advance (£9 concessions)
£12 on the door (£10 concessions)
Tickets can be booked online, commission free via our website www.stevenagesymphony.org.
Where & when:
Hitchin Town Hall, Brand Street, Hitchin, SG5 1JE
Saturday 2nd April
Doors open 7pm. Concert Starts 7.30pm
For more information visit https://www.stevenagesymphony.org/next-concert
Event Location
Hitchin Town Hall
Brand Street, Hitchin, Hertfordshire
Telephone: 01727 858 714
Email: mail@stevenagesymphony.org
Website: https://www.stevenagesymphony.org/next-concert