Stevenage Museum / Events / Thu 30 Jan to Sat 18 Apr 2020 (3 months)
Stories from the Gordon Craig

The Gordon Craig Theatre opened in Stevenage in 1975, the last major building to be built in the new town. For the last year volunteers and staff at the museum have been cataloguing a treasure trove of old posters, programmes and more. Stevenage Museum is hosting an exhibition showcasing some of the finds and sharing stories from the theatre's early years.
There's lots about the panto with a stage and dressing up for children to have a go themselves. Did you know Stevenage boasts the longest serving pantomime dame, Paul Laidlaw and also holds the record for the longest run?
There are interviews with members of the local amateur company, The Lytton Players, and their memories of treading the boards in the very early days. And Hairy Harry, who entertained a generation of children with his friend, the almost famous Jack Maye, is on display too.
For more information visit https://www.thegordoncraigtheatrearchive.org.uk/
Event Location
Stevenage Museum
St George's Way
Telephone: 01438 218 881
Email: museum@stevenage.gov.uk
Website: https://www.thegordoncraigtheatrearchive.org.uk/