stevenage leisure ltd / Events / Sun 23 Feb 2014
James & The Giant Peach Auditions

Auditions are being held on Sunday 23rd February for Principal and Ensemble roles in James and the Giant Peach.
All applicants must be: Aged 8 and over, able to act, sing or dance, able to commit to an intensive period of rehearsals and performances, prepared to stay all day at auditions and wear suitable clothing for movement and dance.
Those seeking Principal roles will be expected to demonstrate acting, singing and vocal ability and Principals must present a prepared vocal piece at their auditions. Backing tracks are not acceptable.
To apply for an audition please visit www.gordon-craig.co.uk Please note: All successful applicants will be contacted in February.
For more information visit http://www.gordon-craig.co.uk/
Event Location
Website: http://www.gordon-craig.co.uk/