St. Mary's Church, Honley St. Mary's Honley Organ Restoration Project
Honley's hidden heritage urgently needs your help before it is lost
for ever. The 100 year old organ of St. Marys Church requires major
restoration works in order to ensure its future.
The organ at St. Marys was the last to be manufactured at the Conacher & Co works in Huddersfield before the factory burnt down in 1911. It was purchased as a gift to the church from the historically notable Brooke family, owners of Brookes Mill and local benefactors who helped to shape life here in Honley and beyond. An outstanding example of its kind, the organ is even given a mention in the 1914 book, A History of Honley by Mrs M A Jagger.
Displaying fine casework, the three manual organ is sadly in need of expert attention. Having received its last major service in 1980, it has been managing to sing its swan song far longer than had been predicted, but could be playing its very last note before long.
The bellows are in a fragile state and need to be removed and re-leathered. The pipes are in need of a thorough cleaning and work to the soundboards, console, pedal boards and pneumatic action is required. Once complete, the organ will serve us for another 50 years.
View my website https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/stmarys
My Location
St Mary's Church
Church Street
Telephone: 01484 661 751
Website: https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/stmarys
My Videos
Help us save the St. Mary's organ
With an introduction from renowned concert organist Gordon Stewart, followed by performances of some much-loved pieces by St Marys' very own Jeremy Pl...