Explore the rich history of St Albans with a visit to one of our fascinating museums.
Discover the Roman heritage of St Albans at Verulamium Museum or visit St Albans Museum + Gallery for cutting edge art installations, historic exhibitions and touring blockbuster shows.
View my website https://www.stalbansmuseums.org.uk/
My Location
St Albans Museums
Town Hall
St Peter's Street
St Albans
Telephone: 01727 864 511
Email: museum@stalbans.gov.uk
Website: https://www.stalbansmuseums.org.uk/
Pressing Issues: Printing and reflection with Suman Gujral / Sun 03 Oct 2021
Print has been used as a medium for protest and social commentary throughout history. As part of our exhibition ‘Chroniclers of history’, which explor...
Masked emotion / Thu 20 May 2021
Join St Albans Museums for a talk bringing together three professionals whose work this year has led them to explore the relationship between the arts...
Putting the pieces together: mosaic workshop / Sun 18 Apr 2021
Join curator David Thorold and mosaicist Audrey Montet for a workshop inspired by Verulamium’s historic mosaics. David will tell the stories behind th...