St Albans Museums / Events / Sat 20 Nov 2021
Wreathing Willows: Family craft workshop

A Family Craft Workshop for 5-11 year-olds.
20 Nov 2021 at 11:00am
£5 per child.
Join Kate Bretherton, creator of The Remarkable World of Trees exhibition, for a hands on workshop to create a winter wreath from willow branches and other natural materials. Bring along collections of leaves and twigs from the park and be inspired by the Roman festival of Saturnalia at this wreath making workshop at Verulamium Museum. You will learn about willows, weave your wreath and decorate it with ribbons (feel free to bring some from home!) to make a beautiful festive wreath to take home. Perfect for 5-11 year olds supervised by a parent/ guardian.
Please note this event is at Verulamium Museum.
For more information visit
Event Location
Verulamium Museum
St Michael's Street
St Albans
Telephone: 01727 751 810