St Albans Cathedral / Events / Wed 18 Nov 2020
Women and the Tower of London

Join us as we welcome back historian and author Lauren Johnson to help us discover more about the lives of women and the Tower of London. More information to follow.
Lauren has previously joined us for talks on ‘Magna Carta and ‘Bad’ King John’ and ‘Henry VI and the Battle of St Albans’.
Speaker: Lauren Johnson, Historian and Writer
Date & Time: Wednesday 18 November, 7.30-9pm. Participants will be able to join the event from 7pm.
Price: £10 (students £6)
Venue: Online via Zoom
As this talk will be hosted over Zoom, participants will need access to a computer/laptop/tablet/phone which has audio in order to be able to hear. You can also join by dialling in using a telephone, but won't be able to see the speaker or any visual aids.
For more information visit https://www.stalbanscathedral.org/Event/women-and-tower
Event Location
St Albans Cathedral
Online via Zoom
Telephone: 01727 890 290
Email: mail@stalbanscathedral.org
Website: https://www.stalbanscathedral.org/Event/women-and-tower