St Albans Cathedral / Events / Tue 23 Feb to Tue 23 Mar 2021 (1 month)
Science and Faith (SACT and SACT+)

Science and Christianity have done more to shape our understanding of the world and the way we live than any other cultural and intellectual movements. Yet together they raise profound questions.
Does science demolish faith or deepen it? How can a serious scientist be a committed Christian? How should we understand the Big Bang, evolution, miracles, God, ourselves, or artificial intelligence? We will look at these questions, and others, from theological, scientific, historical and philosophical perspectives. This is an introductory yet thought-provoking course, aimed primarily at those new to this area. Taught by Canon Tim Bull, who holds two PhDs: one in computer science and the other in theology.
Tutor: The Revd Canon Dr Tim Bull, Tutor in Science and Theology
Date & Time: Tuesdays 23 February – 23 March 7.30-c.9.15pm
Participants will be able to join the event from 7.15pm on the first night of the course, thereafter from 7.25pm
Cost: £60
Venue: Online via Zoom
All sessions will be recorded and made available to students to watch through the next week, allowing students to catch up on sessions missed or re-watch classes.
Joining on Zoom
As this course will be hosted over Zoom, participants will need access to a device which has audio in order to be able to hear. In order to participate fully, a web camera and microphone are also advised.
Instructions for signing up and joining the talk will be sent via email ahead of the first class. If you have not received these details by 5.30pm on the night of the first class, please call 01727 890205
For more information visit https://www.stalbanscathedral.org/Event/science-and-faith
Event Location
Telephone: 01727 890 210
Email: mail@stalbanscathedral.org
Website: https://www.stalbanscathedral.org/Event/science-and-faith