St Albans Cathedral / Events / Wed 30 Sep 2020
Just John: Tales of Archbishop John Habgood

Join Bishop David Wilbourne for a joyous evening as he shares tales from his biography of the inimitable former Archbishop of York, John Habgood.
John Habgood (1927-2019) was Archbishop of York from 1983-1995, and prior to that had served ten years as Bishop of Durham. His ability to mediate and solve what seemed impossible problems, both in the Church and modern society, is legendary. However, his formidable intellect and shy manner could make him seem a distant, enigmatic figure.
Join Bishop David Wilbourne, Chaplain to Lord Habgood while he was Archbishop of York, as he shares anecdotes and tales of Lord Habgood’s life from his newly published biography.
This biography, written at Lord Habgood’s request and with his full cooperation while alive, is warm, witty and affectionate and, as its title implies, it is a truthful portrayal of the man he was – guileless, flawed, just. Signed copies will be available from Bishop David Wilbourne via email after the talk (£19.99, incl. P&P). More information to follow. Alternatively, unsigned copies may be purchased via the Church House bookshop.
Speaker: The Rt Rev’d David Wilbourne, Honorary Assistant Bishop of York
Date and Time: Wednesday 30 September, 7.30-9pm. Participants will be able to join the event from 7pm.
Price: £10 (students £6)
Venue: Online via Zoom.
As this talk will be hosted over Zoom, participants will need access to a computer/laptop/tablet/phone which has audio in order to be able to hear. You can also join by dialling in using a telephone, but won't be able to see the speaker or any visual aids.
For more information visit https://www.stalbanscathedral.org/Event/just-john
Event Location
St Albans Cathedral
Online via Zoom
Telephone: 01727 890 290
Email: mail@stalbanscathedral.org
Website: https://www.stalbanscathedral.org/Event/just-john