St Albans Cathedral / Events / Wed 23 Sep to Wed 21 Oct 2020 (1 month)
‘In the Beginning’: Genesis 1-11

An online 5-week course.
The opening chapters of Genesis contain very familiar stories: Creation, Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, Cain and Abel, Noah and the Flood, the Tower of Babel.
These are a puzzle: how literally are we to take them? Can we make sense of them in the light of scientific progress? In what sense can we consider them to be ‘true’? Yet, by reading them carefully and critically, we find profound questions and insights, reflecting issues as pressing today as they were thousands of years ago: of human nature, gender, environment, creation and destruction, competition, the family of nations. In this course we will reacquaint ourselves with these ancient stories, seeking a better understanding of them in their context, in the Hebrew Bible, and as Christian scripture.
This course can be taken as part of the Certificate in Theology, or Certificate in Theology Plus
Speaker: The Rev’d Dr Kevin Walton, Canon Chancellor
Date and time: Wednesdays 23 September – 21 October 7.30 - 9.15pm
Participants will be able to join from 7.15pm on the first night of the course, thereafter from 7.25pm
Price: £60
Venue: Online via Zoom
As this course will be hosted over Zoom, participants will need access to a computer/laptop/tablet/phone which has audio in order to be able to hear. In order to participate fully, a web camera and microphone are also advised.
For more information visit https://www.stalbanscathedral.org/Event/genesis
Event Location
St Albans Cathedral
Online via Zoom.
Telephone: 01727 890 290
Email: mail@stalbanscathedral.org
Website: https://www.stalbanscathedral.org/Event/genesis