St Albans Cathedral

St Albans Cathedral / Events / Thu 04 Feb 2021

Depicting the Dead

Depicting the Dead

How can we tell what people who lived and died centuries ago might have looked like? We are now able to look upon the face of the medieval abbot John of Wheathampstead, and have invited Professor Caroline Wilkinson, who made this possible, to join us to explain more about her work.
What does our skull tell us about our facial appearance? What are the challenges associated with identification of the dead using facial appearance? How can we predict the living facial appearance from partially decomposed soft tissues and/or skeletal material? Discover the research behind virtual 3D computerised craniofacial reconstruction and its application in forensic human identification and archaeological investigation in this evening with Professor Caroline Wilkinson, whose team has reconstructed the faces of key historical figures such as Richard III, St Nicolas and Robert the Bruce.

Prof Caroline Wilkinson is Director of Face Lab, a LJMU research group based in Liverpool John Moores University and Director of Liverpool School of Art & Design. She has a background in art and science and her research and creative work sits at the forefront of art-science fusion and includes subjects as diverse as forensic art, human anatomy, medical art, face recognition, forensic science, anthropology, 3D visualisation, digital art and craniofacial identification.

Image (c) FaceLab, LJMU and St Albans Cathedral; created by Prof Caroline Wilkinson

Speaker: Professor Caroline Wilkinson, Director of FaceLab

Date & Time: Thursday 4 February, 7.30-9pm (Participants will be able to join the event from 7.15pm)

Cost: £10 (students £6)

Venue: Online via Zoom.

***Please note that we are unable to record this talk because of image permissions and copyright. We are therefore unable to send a recording to those who are unable to attend live on zoom on the night itself.***

Joining on Zoom on the night

As this talk will be hosted over Zoom, participants will need access to a device which has audio in order to be able to hear. You can also join by dialling in using a telephone, but won't be able to see the speaker or any visual aids.

Instructions for joining the talk will be sent via email between 5-5.30pm on the day of the event. If you have not received these details by 5.30pm, please call 01727 890205.

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Telephone: 01727 890 210

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