Saturday 18 June 2022
7.30pm Huddersfield Town Hall
Guest Conductor Neil Taylor
St George's Singers
Grace Williams Penillion
Vaughan Williams Five Mystical Songs
Charles Ives The Unanswered Question
Walton Belshazzar's Feast
We conclude our season with two collaborative performances of Belshazzar's Feast by (Lancastrian) Sir William Walton!
Following on from our Mahler 2 with St George's Singers, we are very excited to be working together once again on this project.
The Walton is a truly dramatic work that unifies the brilliance of orchestral and choral music making.
For more information visit https://spo.org.uk/contact/tickets
Event Location
Huddersfield Town Hall
Ramsden St,
Telephone: 01484 850 488
Email: pablo_cook@hotmail.com
Website: https://spo.org.uk/contact/tickets