Spacex / Events / Sat 14 May to Sat 09 Jul 2011 (2 months)
The Recipe Exchange

The Recipe Exchange has been developed as an off-site project by artist Helen Pritchard. Her work as an artist and researcher in the field of digital art and innovation often uses instructions as creative tools for collaboration.
Expanding on the notion of a ‘recipe’, The Recipe Exchange draws on the age old tradition of the community cookbook through which detailed information is shared socially.
Together with the artist, residents of Farringdon and Woodbury Salterton in East Devon developed a digital archive of ‘know-how’. This online space serves as a common resource, a catalyst for initiating dialogue locally and an open platform for exchange. During the project a series of events were co-hosted by the artist and participants in which exchanges of information, ideas and practical advice were explored.
In the gallery, texts, diagrams and videos will be on display that relay some of the loacalised sharing that took place during the off-site project. Visitors will be encouraged to contribute, read, modify and take home ‘recipes’. Helen Pritchard will be present at the gallery on occasions throughout the exhibition to further engage with audiences, hold events and host discussion groups.
Re-modelling the gallery space as a workshop, the exhibition will incorporate a number of talks, discussions and artist-led participatory events. These will explore subjects such as digital aesthetics, ‘Open Data’, and how open digital cultures can lead to positive transformations in our individual lives and societies. Issues covered during the exhibition will feed into current debate taking place across different sectors about the democratisation of data and the social potential of using open source methods and technology.
Through open source and open data networks, information about our communities and lives is increasingly available. The Recipe Exchange presents the opportunity to debate
‘being open’ as a way of ‘being together’.
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