Spacex / Events / Sat 08 Dec to Thu 23 Feb 2012 (-288 days)
Laura White 'We Can Have it All'

In this solo exhibition by the London based artist Laura White, sculptural and photographic works explore and respond to human relationships and negotiation with the ‘stuff’ of the world. White considers value, profile, association and the meaning of individual and collections of objects in specific circumstances. Relationships are created and questions are provoked in relation to these various objects concerning value and taste, and our relationship to consumer culture.
Displayed on bespoke plinths, works sit on the boundaries of ’art objects’. Every item is treated with a regard to its visual aesthetic, production, and authorship. White reduces articles to the same material and level of craftsmanship, thus confusing their status.
New photographic works play with scale and placement, materiality and production. Large scale prints mounted on boards displayed in an unconventional manner invite the viewer to gather their own understanding of the value, status and authorship of the ornate objects being represented.
We Can Have it All offers a timely investigation into pre-conceived ideas and conditions that trigger our understanding of objects we come across in the world, from the everyday to those commonly encountered in a gallery or museum. These ideas and conditions shift and alter through investigation and understanding of the work, be it visual or contextual. Through breaching the boundaries of socially constructed categories, White suggests that it may just be possible to ‘have it all’.
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Telephone: 01392 431 786