Southern Maltings / Events / Sun 14 May 2023
The Big Herts Hero Hunt

Could YOU be a racing driver?
How WAS someone rescued in mid-air?
And just WHO has been throwing turnips???!
Join Pākiki Theatre on an action-packed family adventure show that will keep everyone on the edge of their seats!
Help two intrepid Hero Hunters crack the clues, find the faces, stir up the stories and master the map to find our county’s incredible people of the past and present and discover the hidden Hertfordshire heroes of the future – where (or should we say ‘WARE”!) COULD they be?
Then continue your adventure by getting out into Ware town centre to tackle the Town Quest – will YOU finish it for the prize?
Duration: 70 minutes, no interval
Shows at 11am and 2pm. See website for booking details.
Plus optional post-show ‘Ware Town Quest’ activity (approx 45 mins)
Suitable for ages 6+
This event has been made largely possible by a grant donation from Herts County Council.
For more information visit
Event Location
Southern Maltings
Kibes Lane
SG12 7BS
Telephone: 07979 210 715