SWMS Mentoring Opportunity
For the mentoring programme, South West Music School is looking for committed individuals who wish to, through their knowledge and expertise, support and nurture talented young musicians.
The role of an SWMS Mentor
The Mentor for SWMS is a key role for our organisation. It is the link between the young individual musicians and the SWMS CEO & Artistic Director. Through detailed mentoring sessions the young people will explore their current musical development and look to the future. The Mentors will work with their mentees to identify their strengths and weaknesses and form an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) from which the mentee’s individual tuition and development programme for each year will be created. The Mentor will liaise with key people in their mentee’s musical development (parents, instrumental teacher, head of music, head of music service, etc) and provide information to help the SWMS CEO & ARTISTIC Director keep these people informed with regards to the mentee’s developmental requirements.
Overall good mentoring is about empowering the mentee to:
Become self aware – evaluating themselves, developing awareness of their personal strengths and weaknesses, their skills, the contributions they make are valued, their interpersonal relationships with others, etc.
Become self directing – following their own noses, choosing the direction they want to take, etc
Develop a sense of their own purpose – understanding their personal needs, what interests them, what they want, where are they going, etc.
Experience their own success – the reward of feedback, learning from their mistakes, etc.
Individuals who have become mentors in the past for South West Music School have said that the mentoring role provides incredible satisfaction in being able to contribute to a young person’s growth and it is also a wonderful opportunity to improve their own learning.
For more information about the criteria, job description, specifications and mentoring schedule please email k.wannell@swms.org.uk to be sent an information pack.
We are currently asking for Expression of Interest (EOI) from potential Mentors.
If you meet the criteria and are available for the set dates (Induction Days, Residentials) we would love to hear from you.
To log your ‘EOI’ please send your CV or Biography with a covering letter to:
Kate Wannell - Administrator
South West Music School
PO Box 730
Or email: k.wannell@swms.org.uk
Deadline for full Expressions of Interest is Friday 14th June 2013 @ 12noon
For more information visit http://www.swms.org.uk/news/swms-mentoring-opportunity/