Sound Communities CIC / Events / Mon 15 Feb 2016
Lift Radio Drama Live Broadcast

Torbay’s first live Radio Drama broadcast for and by young people from the Palace Theatre Arena on Monday 15th February at 8pm. Broadcast online on www.parkfieldxtremeradio.co.uk.
Sound Communities CIC, Doorstep Arts and Fotonow CIC have been helping young people work really hard to show how local young voices can encourage their peers to make healthy relationships in the Bay. This radio drama will be broadcast live on Parkfield Xtreme Radio with live sound effects made by the young people themselves. Young actors from Doorstep Arts have devised the drama and will perform live. Radio presenters from Parkfield Xtreme Radio have learnt how to create digital images and sounds to accompany the drama on social networking sites to help reach as many young people as possible.
It is funded by Arts Council England, National Lottery and has been developed in partnership with Sound Communities CIC, Doorstep Arts, Fotonow CIC and Parkfield.“This project is so important for us as it’s about local young people connecting, engaging and inspiring each other. Parkfield Xtreme Radio is about young people sharing music, expressing themselves and also supporting each other to be safe, happy and informed. This drama, and the visuals we are producing to go with it online, will show how young people want to listen to each other and, if given the chance, want to make a difference to their communities.” Kate Rudman, Director, Sound Communities CIC
“The Doorstep Arts team feel really excited about working with our Torbay young people, Sound Communities and Fotonow on such a real, relevant and meaningful project. To support them through a new and creative process, which also explores making positive and healthy relationship choices feels like exactly the right project to be engaging in in 2016. Not only do we get to explore the subject with them, but we get to guide them through an exciting collaborative arts process with professionals'. Jade Campbell, Director, Doorstep Arts.
“I know from my own experience of working with victims of CSE (Child Sexual Exploitation) just how important it is to continue to raise awareness about the risks amongst young people. This project is invaluable because it is co-written and acted by young people themselves, which makes it incredibly powerful and more likely to make a difference for our local children/young people.” Martine Osmond, Independent Child Protection Consultant
For more information visit http://www.parkfieldxtremeradio.co.uk/
Event Location
The Palace Theatre Arena
Telephone: 01803 863 618
Email: kate@soundcommunities.co.uk
Website: http://www.parkfieldxtremeradio.co.uk/