Sound Communities CIC / Events / Thu 01 Mar 2018 to Sun 01 Mar 2020 (2 years)
Hear and Now

Hear and Now is bringing young and old people together to find, explore and broadcast oral histories at events, festivals, heritage sites, libraries, schools, care homes and community centres in a wide variety of ways. All stories will be recorded, shared online, broadcast on radio stations and housed in listening pods in the main libraries in Torbay.
This work is funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, Ageing Well Torbay, Big Lottery Fund, Devon Community Foundation and Torbay Council. We are working in partnership with Torbay Libraries, Torbay Community Development Trust, Torquay Museum, Brixham Museum, local primary schools, community centres, International Agatha Christie Festival, Torbay Coast and Countryside Trust.
For more information visit https://soundcloud.com/soundcommunities-cic/sets/hear-and-now