Sophie Atherton / News / Wed 22 May 2013
Ale tastings with Devon's own Beer Sommelier

It won't be long before I celebrate my first anniversary of being accredited as a beer sommelier - the first woman in the UK to do so - although more soon followed.
Since then I've hosted a number of beer tastings in the South West and beyond (there's a link to a write up of one of them with this post).
If you want to catch me in action - and taste some fantastic beers - I'm at the Royal Bath & West Show next Thursday and Friday (30th & 31st May) and Cheltenham Food & Drink Festival on Sunday 16 June.
For more information visit http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/womens-life/9600575/No-to-lady-lagers-Theres-a-proper-beer-for-every-girl.html