SO we create. / Events / Tue 10 Jun 2014
"brands aren't just for cows!" (beginners brand masterclass)

brands aren't just for cows! (beginners brand masterclass)
Are you a business Owner or Director?
Would you like to learn how your company or personal brand can help you attract the right customers for your business and help make your business more successful in the future?
Do you want to learn some of the branding 'secrets' that global enterprises like Apple, Coca Cola or Google or Disney use? And learn how you can apply those secrets to your own brand and business?
If so then signup today!
about the session.
"Brands arent just for cows" is a one off beginners masterclass that will help you achieve this and alot more.
During this session we will go through a series of exercises that will help you realise what your brand represents to your customers and how you can leverage your own unique brand and it's value to 'moove' your business forward.
This session will be fun, engaging, thought provoking and you will leave with it with the knowledge needed to help you maximise your brand experience to appeal to your customers.
Attendees will also recieve a mystery thank you gift on leaving the session :)
other details.
arrival, registration and brief networking : 9am-9.20am
start : 9.30am
finish : 12 noon
refreshments : Tea and coffee will be available at the start and during the session. If you are hungry afterwards the venue can provide you with lunch (at your own cost) within the restaurant area.
contact the organiser.
If you have any questions about this session please call pete direct on 07725 170994 or email hello@sowecreate.com
For more information visit https://brandsarentjustforcows.eventbrite.co.uk/