Smooth Space / Opportunities / Mon 24 Nov 2014
Opportunity for a Printmaker to Lead Workshops at Torre Abbey

Smooth Space is seeking an experienced printmaker to run a series of 6 printmaking workshops for young people (aged 14-16 years) at Torre Abbey in Torquay.
The after school workshops will run from 4pm-6pm every Thursday for 6 weeks beginning Thursday 8 January 2015.
The workshops are for young people who live in Tormohun Ward, Torquay and are intended to encourage the participants to explore their ideas of self and their local environment - including the seafront at Torre Abbey Sands and the collections in Torre Abbey Museum.
The workshops will take place in the Learning Lab - Torre Abbey's well-equipped, dedicated educational space. The Learning Lab has a printing press and it would be good to make full use of this during the series of workshops.
Applications are welcomed from printmakers interested in working with 14 to 16-year-olds with knowledge of a variety of printing techniques and safe printing materials.
The total fee for the six workshops is £600 plus an amount for travel expenses.
There is a separate budget for materials.
For a full brief or if you have any questions please email: info@smoothspace.org
If you are interested in applying please send:
your current CV
a brief description of your practice (200 words max)
examples of recent workshop experience(200 words max)
up to 6 images (no larger than 1mb each) and/or links to websites
confirmation that you will be available on 8/15/22/29 January 2015 and 5/12 February 2015 for all 6 workshops.
Please send this information to info@smoothspace.org by 5pm on Monday 24 November 2014.
Smooth Space is an artist's initiative led by Kate Paxman and David Harbott and is currently working in partnership with Torre Abbey to produce a 12-month artist's residency and associated programme of Artists' Conversations.