Smooth Space / News / Wed 11 Jul 2012
Art on the Head - 'over the horizon' Artist/Expert Walk & Talk 3

Explore the plant life of Berry Head with Botanist Nigel Wood and Artist David Harbott. Learn about plants, their uses and how they have inspired David's work.
Meet in the Car Park 10.30 - 12.30.
Sturdy footwear essential + suitable clothes if wet weather.
A suggested £1 donation to the trust is welcome
for more information visit www.countryside-trust.org.uk
or phone the Trust on 01803 520022
'over the horizon' is run by Smooth Space, a new arts organisation for Torbay, in partnership with the Torbay Coast and Countryside Trust and the English Riviera Global GeoPark. The project is supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.
For more information visit http://www.artatberryhead.blogspot.co.uk/
News Location
Berry Head National Nature Reserve
Gillard Road
Telephone: 01803 882 619
Website: http://www.artatberryhead.blogspot.co.uk/