Slaithwaite Moonraking Festival / Opportunities / Fri 24 Feb 2017
Slaithwaite Moonrkaing Festival-call out for stewards

Slaithwaite Moonraking Festival is looking for stewards and volunteers for this Saturday 25th February 2017.
The festival is only every two years, attracting around 3,500. There will be candle-lit lanterns, moving lanterns on wheels, live bands and fireworks.
What's not to love about a festival that floats a giant moon along the canal and then lifts it up into the sky!
Please join us, a hi-viz vest is the look of the season!
Please contact Gill Bond via mrmoon@slaithwaitemoonraking.org
or message us via our facebook page.
For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/slaithwaitemoonrakingfestival/?ref=page_internal
Opportunity Location
Slaithwaite Village
Telephone: 07961 941 862
Email: mrmoon@slaithwaitemoonraking.org
Website: https://www.facebook.com/slaithwaitemoonrakingfestival/?ref=page_internal