Slaithwaite Moonraking Festival / Events / Sat 25 Feb 2017
Slaithwaite Moonraking Festival Ceilidh Bop

Post Finale Fundraising Family Ceilidh and Bop
With The Moonraker Band and special guests Easy Stride Band, caller Gill Bond.
Bar and supper available. Finish the night at the Moonraking Party with friends
and neighbours! 8 – 11pm
Cost: On the door - £8 adult £5 under 18, under 5 free.
Buy in festival week and get £1 off per ticket, available from O Blackburns,
Green Valley Grocer and lantern workshops.
Event Location
Colne Valley Leisure Centre
New St, Slaithwaite,
Telephone: 01484 654 525
Email: mrmoon@slaithwaitemoonraking.org