Shiphay Amateur Dramatic Society / News / Tue 15 Mar 2011
Shiphay ADS on Tour!

A wind of change is in the air, blowing from Shiphay to ‘Ship-Ahoy’ Brixham; but what’s it all about?
There’s a large, neglected theatre in the centre of Brixham in the Old Town Hall building, and Brixham Arts and Theatre Society (BATS to you!) is encouraging performing companies to use the theatre in an attempt to make it more viable. A small party from Shiphay headed across to Brixham to see the Teignmouth Players take two one act plays there last year and liked what they saw!
They jumped at the chance to take a production from St John’s Hall ‘on tour’, and what better than ‘Speaking in Tongues’. As Jolyon said “ This production requires no scenery and very few props, so all we have to do is to turn up, set up and act.... and what a treat for our members to perform in a purpose-built theatre (there’s even a bar) to a new audience of local theatre-goers.”
BATS is also very pleased to be bringing a new company to Brixham. Last year Teignmouth Players performed to good houses when they brought their latest Carlton Theatre show to Brixham Theatre.
So if you missed the Shiphay performances, or enjoyed the play so much you want to see it again, then come down to BATS’ magnificent Victorian theatre and see your favourite company in new surroundings.... with a bit of encouragement, this could be the start of something big!
Speaking in Tongues performs at the Brixham Theatre on 25 and 26 March 2011.
Adults £7 - Concessions £6
BATS Box Office (answerphone) 01803 850899 www.batsweb.org.uk
For more information visit http://www.batsweb.org.uk/
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Website: http://www.batsweb.org.uk/