A large format Print. 84 x 45 in Frame.
This is a mixed media piece which combines all the following print processes:-
Photogravure/Monoprint/ghost print/chine colle.
When making this work I was thinking about the relationship we have with our bodies and how some people are unable to see their own body as others see them.
There is an anxiety disorder that causes a person to have a distorted view of how they look and to spend a lot of time worrying about their appearance.
There are many cases of, what is called, body dysmorphia and it is becoming more prevalent amongst young girls, in particular, who, when bombarded with images of ‘perfect’ bodies online and in the media, regard their own ‘normal’ bodies as imperfect or gross.
For more information visit http://www.sheiladerosa.co.uk/
Image Location
Vicarage Gardens,
Canal Bank Studio
HP23 4NJ
Telephone: 07821 177 685
Email: sheiladerosa@btinternet.com
Website: http://www.sheiladerosa.co.uk/