John Habberton's "Some Boys' Doings" is the book used here. This piece looks at how children can get caught up in situations that they know are wrong, but do not necessarily understand why. It reminds me of the film "This is England", written and directed by Shane Meadows, where a boy, bullied at school, finds sympathy and acceptance in a group of skinheads. However, he gets caught up in his role model's racist subgroup and sees things a young boy should not see.
In my piece, the boy inside the book is looking over his shoulder, his body language suggests he is aware of something bad. From the right, children run to warn or save him and his friend. From the right, police are on their way to either save them, or punish them.
For more information visit http://sharynbaker.blogspot.com/2011/06/degree-show.html