• What we'll do
This meetup will start with mainly meet and greet - networking activities. Always best on a 1-2-1 basis. However, I would like to explore whether people want to have specific topics for a quick discussion at later dates. In addition, for later meetups, I will be asking for people to share their success (and horror!) stories in a constructive way, so we can all learn and put what works into action.
This is a place to find support, help, working relationships - rather than having to go into London all the time...!
• What to bring
Book for writing in, business cards, an open heart and a sense of adventure!
• Important to know
NOTE: Any ideas discussed here are done so at your own risk. This industry bases itself on a trust-based code of conduct, and inevitably pitches and ideas will get voiced. It is up to you to respect the way the industry works, and respect each other's intellectual property. If in doubt, do not discuss specifics until you have the correct protection (Copyrights etc.) in place. That said, relationships are built on trust! Above all, this is about having fun!
For more information visit https://www.meetup.com/Hertfordshire-Filmmakers/events/qjsvdpyxfbzb/
Event Location
The Swan
College Lane
Abbots Langley
Telephone: 07808 078 395
Email: sharon.odams@hotmail.co.uk
Website: https://www.meetup.com/Hertfordshire-Filmmakers/events/qjsvdpyxfbzb/