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The design for the MGF Sportscar - Feb 1991

Under the direction of Rover Special Projects division, the PR3 project was designed and developed by Steve Harper, during the first months of 1991.
The design theme, inspired by the TWR XJR15, was first sketched in the January of 1991, and then developed over the next month, in which time, the distinct shape of the MGF was soon established.
Full size clay modelling began in March, and the ‘red car’ was first shown to Rover management that same month.
The rather over-simple front end design was felt to lack a MG feel, and so the clay was reworked, with a more conventional front bumper intake and round signal lamps, as on the MGRV8.
From this point, it was clear that the project would get the go ahead for production, and so, the model was brought back ‘in house’. There Gerry McGovern and the Rover design team, developed the design further, and the MGF was created.
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